Default Structures Standard
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    Default Structures Standard

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    Article summary

    2category1 - Communication and Interaction
    "Clear routine, warn of any change"
    Processing time
    Reduce background noise
    "Simple words, chunked language"
    special interest 'hooks'
    "Visual support, including time checks"
    3category2 - Cognition and Learning
    strategyActive reading
    "Alternative input for extended writing - C-Pen, laptop etc"
    Processing time
    Visual support
    "Vocabulary banks, sentence starters, writing frames"
    4category"3 Social, Emotional and Mental Health"
    strategyAwareness of gaps in knowledge due to missed lessons
    Blank slate each lesson
    "Clear, calm, consistent boundaries"
    Key worker allocated
    Regular review of seating plan
    Sensory break space
    Use scale for emotional regulation
    5category4A - Sensory/Physical - Visual Impairment
    strategyAdaptive technology
    "Clear floor, avoid moving furniture"
    Enlarge and print resources
    "Sit in front of board, facing teacher"
    6category4B - Sensory/Physical - Hearing Impairment
    Radio mic
    "Sit in front of board, facing teacher"
    Student lip-reads
    Visual support
    7category4C - Sensory/Physical - Physical
    strategyAdaptive technology
    Clear classroom environment
    8category4D - Sensory/Physical - Medical
    strategyAwareness that there may be gaps in knowledge due to missed lessons
    Care Plan in place - check this for emergency action
    strategyActive listening tasks
    Group learners with same language
    "Home learning listening tasks (TV, radio)"
    Lower speed
    Printed resources
    Processing time
    Repeat and recap points
    "Use facial expressions, tone of your voice, bodly language gestures."
    strategyAllow rehearsal time for speaking/presentations
    Group work tasks to encourage speech between peers
    Processing time
    Prompt student by using name prior to giving instruction or questioning
    Provide activties that give them opportunities to answer more complex questions in terms of language structure (What would happen if? Is there any evidence of this?)
    Simple closed questions to foster initial engagement
    "Speaking frames, substitution tables"
    word of the day' to help increase the learners vocabulary intake.
    46categoryReading and Viewing
    strategyaudio-books where possible
    Bilingual fiction books
    "Group tasks - to work together to read, write or edit a paragraph"
    "Practical book reading activities--this way up, follow the words this way, etc."
    Processing time
    Teach vocabulary in advance
    Visual support
    strategyAllow time to pre-write a response and edit it more than once before the final response is seen by the teacher.
    Oral 'rehersal' can be used prior to writing activities.
    Pair or group activities to support peers with reading/writing tasks.
    Use dictogloss with the whole class to help model text construction.
    Use of first language - so the learner can show you what they wish to write before getting it translated into English
    "Visual support for writing, e.g pictures to describe, storyboards to read."
    Clear classroom environment
    8category4D - Sensory/Physical - Medical
    strategyAwareness that there may be gaps in knowledge due to missed lessons
    Care Plan in place - check this for emergency action
    82strategyAllergy - AAI kept in reception
    Allergy - carries own AAI
    Asthma - carries own inhaler
    Diabetic - carries insulin
    Diabetic - juice/snacks kept in reception
    Diabetic - leave lesson early pass
    Diabetic - tests regularly in the day
    "Epilepsy - time seizures, phone ambulance if over 5 minutes"
    IHCP - Read File
    Physical - Leave lesson early pass
    Physical - Lift access/PEEP

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