Editing or removing targets, actions, and CPD
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Editing or removing targets, actions, and CPD

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How to edit targets, actions, and CPD

Targets, actions, and CPD can be edited by either the teacher or manager if the Status is in Draft for you.


  1. The pencil icon next to a target, action, or CPD will allow you to edit it.

How to remove targets, actions, and CPD

A target can only be deleted if the Status is in Draft for both teacher and manager. It will be completely removed from the form when deleted.

If one party has confirmed the target then only the manager will be able to remove the target. It will be archived at the bottom of the form in an area called Removed targets.

A target can only be removed if any existing actions and CPD within it have also been removed.


  1. The bin icon next to a target, action, or CPD will allow you to remove it.

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