Sharing login details and resetting passwords
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Sharing login details and resetting passwords

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Article summary

How to reset and share a parent account password

  1. Access the Admin area and select Parent Users > Parent Users from the menu.

  2. Select the pencil icon for a parent account.

  3. Generate a one-time password using the wand icon on the right.

  4. Select Save & Send Password Notification to send the parent an email containing their new password.

How to send login details in bulk to all parents

  1. Access the Admin area

  2. Select Parent Users > Parent Users from the menu.

  3. Select Manage Accounts from the options in the top-right.


  1. Select the filter Parents never logged in. This will refresh the page and display a table of parents that have not yet logged into their accounts.


  1. You can then select Download Password Reminder to export PDFs of your login letter, or Send Password Reminder Emails to email them with your login letter.

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