Confirmation and RAG rating options
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    Confirmation and RAG rating options

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    Article summary

    There are different options that schools can choose from in relation to confirmation and RAG rating targets, actions, and CPD.

    Confirmation options

    • Both the Teacher and Manager must press confirm.
    • Only the Manager must press confirm.

    RAG rating options

    • Both the Teacher and Manager can RAG rate.
    • Only the Manager can RAG rate.

    How to adjust confirmation and RAG behaviour


    1. Access the Admin area and go to Settings > Settings from the menu. Select the Self Eval tab from the page.

    2. Select from the following options and Save when complete.

    Auto Confirm - ONOnly the Manager must press confirm.
    Auto Confirm - OFFBoth the Teacher and Manager must press confirm.
    Rating Mode - Manager OnlyOnly the Manager can RAG rate.
    Rating Mode - Both Teacher and ManagerBoth the Teacher and Manager can RAG rate.

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