Disadvantaged pupil data at KS5
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Disadvantaged pupil data at KS5

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Article summary

Official description

Headline measures are also produced that just include disadvantaged students in a school or college, to illustrate differences between how well disadvantaged students in a school or college do compared to non-disadvantaged students.

Official definition (Accountability Technical Guide April 2023)

The disadvantage classification follows that used at KS4. Disadvantaged students are all students who were in receipt of pupil premium when they were in their last year of KS4. Note, the pupil premium is distinct from the Service Pupil Premium (SPP); students eligible for the SPP but not in receipt of pupil premium will not be identified as

For non-destination headline measures, the disadvantage measures do not include students who were not reported at the end of KS4 – for example, because they came from overseas. Students who were known to be at independent schools in their last year of KS4 are treated as non-disadvantaged. However, destination measures group all students not known to be disadvantaged at the end of key stage 4 as “all other students”.

Disadvantaged measures are not calculated for independent schools.

The full official technical guide can be found here.

Our recommendation

We recommend that at Key Stage 5 students who are disadvantaged should be recorded as pupil premium within the MIS. This will allow users to report on disadvantaged Key Stage 5 students using the PPI (Pupil Premium Indicator) filtering options within the platform.

Furthermore, it is important to understand that any pupil premium reports that are generated from the platform or the MIS will also include Y12 & Y13 after this adjustment.

We do not believe this will have any impact on your census. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, ProgressTeaching cannot take responsibility for any information included in a school’s census return.

How to download your Pupil Premium data

  1. Run a report with student UPNs that you require pupil premium for.

  2. Sign in to Secure Access DFE.

  3. Access Service > Get Information on pupils.

If this does not appear for your in services, you will need to ask your approver (normally Data Manager) to add this to your account.

  1. Tick the box for system consent and press Next.


  1. If you have UPNs select 'Search pupil premium using UPNs'. If you don't, select 'Search pupil premium without UPNs'.

  2. In the box on the left, paste the UPNs for the students you wish to check and press Search.


  1. The results will appear below. Select 'Download pupil premium data'.

  2. Upload the data into your MIS.

For students who were on roll during the January Census, the pupil premium reports can be found in ‘data downloads’ but these will not include any new starters since that census.

Additional information

Students in receipt of the bursary can also be recorded as pupil premium within the MIS, thereby including them in pupil premium reporting within ProgressTeaching.

Should you want to proceed with this option, please note that this does deviate from the Department of Education’s definition of disadvantaged at KS5. This is not recommended by ProgressTeaching.

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