Parent permissions
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Parent permissions

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Article summary

Parent permissions can be assigned to users in order to allow them to:

  • Approve letters for staff
  • Send letters without needing approval
  • Access private letters on student pages
  • Access and your parent user accounts

Permission to approve letters for staff

The permission required for this is Parent_Letter_Manager. Please see this article for information on how to assign this to a user.

Permission to send letters without needing approval

The permission required for this is Parent_Letter_Manager. Please see this article for information on how to assign this to a user.

Permission to access private letters on student pages

The permission required for this is Parent_Letter_Private. Please see this article for information on how to assign this to a user.

Permission to access and your parent user accounts

The permission required for this is Parent_Manager. Please see this article for information on how to assign this to a user.

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